News & Events


How to Contact Your Congressmember/Senator Tool Kit

We urge you as a constituent to call, write or arrange a visit with your elected officials for all Warriors “Take Actions.” 

We cannot do this alone. We need everyone to join us.

Identify Senate Office

You can find information about the local offices of your Senators and Congressmembers on their websites. You can find their individual websites here:

  • For U.S. Senators: Click on your Senator’s NAME here to be brought directly to their website.
  • For U.S. Congressmembers: Click on your congress member’s NAME here to be brought directly to their website.

Prepare for Call/Meeting

Most legislators’ websites include office phone numbers and “Request for Meeting” forms that you can fill out online or offer an email address for a staff member to schedule an appointment. Before calling your lawmaker’s office, fill out the form or send an email request for a meeting. If you are sending an email, it should contain the following:

  • Your name and address (to show that you are a constituent);
  • The issues you wish to discuss;
  • The local office you wish to visit;
  • The dates that you can meet (include several dates or an adequate time frame allowing flexibility in scheduling the meeting); and
  • Follow up your request with a phone call. A day or two after you anticipate your communication has arrived, follow up with a phone call to your legislator’s local office. Ask for the person in charge of scheduling your lawmaker’s appointments. *A Sample Email and Phone Script is below.

Prepare for Meeting

Research: Before you meet a policy maker, it can be helpful to research these topics:

  • The policy maker’s personal history: Read the bio provided on their website to get a sense of their personal and professional experience and to identify opportunities to make a personal connection. (Do they have young children? Are they a grandparent?)
  • Issues that are important to them: Look through their website for issues that are highlighted. Find out if they use social media. What do they post about?

Gather: Determine who will join you for the meeting.

  • Gathering a diverse group of constituents to attend the meeting is one powerful way to make the most of your visit. As you prepare for meetings with policy makers, know who will be attending the meeting and what role each person will play. Clarify beforehand who will be the primary spokesperson, the storyteller, and the notetaker, and who will offer the “out of field perspective.” Everyone should have a specific role during the meeting and each role should have talking points the group develops and agrees to before the meeting, which bring us to the next step.

Develop and practice your talking points.

  • Write down bullets of the main points you want to get across and personalize your comments and provide local context to help illustrate why it’s important to protect kids online.

Decide what questions you want to ask the policy maker or staffer.

Brainstorm possible answers to questions you will get asked during your visit.

Discuss ideas for how you will follow up after the meeting.


  • After your meeting, be sure to send a thank you letter to your lawmaker and/or your lawmaker’s staff. Thank them for taking the time to meet with you and re-iterate the asks that you made in your meeting. Your legislator and their staff will appreciate it – and it is a great way to remind them about your requests.


Dear Senator [LAST NAME],

As a constituent in [STATE] I am writing to request a meeting with you and your aides to discuss several issues that affect [ISSUE].

I will be available to meet with you at your [LOCATION] office on [DATES YOU ARE AVAILABLE] and would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about these issues. I can be reached at the phone numbers listed below and will look forward to hearing from you regarding a time we can meet. Thank you for your consideration



Hello, my name is [NAME] and I am a resident of [CITY]. I am calling to request a meeting with you and your aides to discuss [ISSUE]. I will be available to meet with you at your [LOCATION] office on [DATES YOU ARE AVAILABLE] and would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about these issues. Is Senator [NAME] available to meet with me on [DATE]?

If they are not available on those dates ask: 

“Could you let me know some dates that he/she or a staff person might be available to meet with me?”

Write down the date, time and person you spoke with. If you have not heard back in a few days, call again to follow up. Be polite but persistent. _______________________________________________________

NYC. Please Join Us on March 28, 2025 Black Poster Project Town Hall on Addiction

2025 Homeland Security Threat Forecast: Human Trafficking and National Security

Human trafficking, a pervasive and insidious crime, poses a profound and escalating threat to the national security of the United States. As we look forward in 2025, this illicit activity not only undermines law and order, but also impacts economic stability, threatens public health, and erodes the very fabric of social institutions. Previously, both nonprofit organizations and government bodies estimated the global revenue from human trafficking at around $150 billion annually. However, a recent 2024 report from Nasdaq revealed that human trafficking generated an astonishing $346.7 billion in illicit cash flow in 2023, indicating that despite efforts to combat this crime, we have barely scratched the surface. Understanding the multifaceted dimensions of human trafficking’s impact on national security is imperative for shaping effective countermeasures. 

Read more here.


January is National Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month. Are you in the New York Tri-State area? Please join us on January 28, 2025.

Learn more here.

January 2025 is National Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month. What can you do? 

Please share daily videos from our Warriors Channel that raise awareness and provide take actions to keep you and your kids safe.


Mark Your Calendars! Lynn’s Warriors Toy Giveaway – December 7, 2024 in Brooklyn, NY – 10AM! (click on arrow)

December 5, 2024. NYC. The Warriors are humbled and grateful for all of your generous holiday toy donations. We are overwhelmed. Thank you.Our Holiday Giveaway begins this Saturday in Brooklyn. We are thankful for our Warriors Youth Council Leader Isaiah Vega for picking up and helping distribute. The NYC wind tried to knock us down but we stood tall because we have to get these toys to the kids. We are Warriors!

December 2, 2024. NYC. Lynn’s Warriors Hosts Survivor Afternoon sponsored by owner Adriné at Paint Me Bear. We painted healing bears, chatted, shared, ate and laughed. #CommunityCreatesChange #ArtHeals #ArtTherapy #SupportSurvivors #SharedExperiences #PaintMeBear #NYC #LynnsWarriors

November 22, 2024. Rockaway’s, NY. Our #CommunityCreatesChange Thanksgiving Giveaway was a tremendous success. We gave out Goya food products, winter jackets, gloves, hats, books, diapers, toiletries and personal products. Thank you to all of the Warriors who donated goods and volunteered their time to help this vulnerable community. Thank you Miss Maggie and Vanessa Simon for helping to coordinate. Thanks also to our incredible Warriors Youth Council Leader, Isaiah Vega for picking up and delivering hundreds of pounds of food. Thanks always to Goya Foods, true Warriors!


November 13, 2024. NYC. The Warriors attended the First Small Business Fair sponsored by Sanctuary for Families supporting survivor businesses. Everything from mental health services, legal services, art, flower arranging, jewelry, skincare,doula, books, mugs, candles, boxing, yoga, sweets and so much more. A wonderful afternoon of #communitycreateschange Please remember – always #listentosurvivors #supportsurvivors

Our Warriors Book of the Month for November 2024


Faced with the worst version of herself on the screen before her, in a moment of shattering light, Jewell must decide if she will continue going with the flow or if she will fight to become a better version of herself.

The fight that ensues does not resolve quickly into an action movie rise to triumph and quick exit. It is a no holds barred fight in a world of fixed fights, the world of hardcore porn.

Trafficked on an adult hardcore porn set at 14 Jewell has to find a way through and out of the script and character that is being written for her. The power to rewrite her story and character into a version she wants to see reflected in the mirror will only be found in stepping into the arena and finding the warrior within.

“Sometimes in the fight we find the warrior we always were.”

Learn more and purchase here.


Great BIG shout out and WARRIORS THANKS for all of you who donated goods and services and volunteered for our FALL GIVEAWAY on November 3, 2024. It was a tremendous success and we truly honored our WARRIORS HASHTAG #communitycreateschange in Flushing, New York. Stay tuned for details to our next Warriors Giveaway in your town soon! 

NYC. Sunday, November 3, 2024. See You There, Warriors! Thank you for all of your generous donations.

Washington DC. September 11, 2024. The Warriors were honored to be invited and attend a Senate Roundtable to discuss the landscape of human trafficking in the United States and bipartisan legislative updates.


NYC. August 18, 2024. What a great day of community with Sanctuary for Families at Paint Me Bear Art Studio in Soho. Survivor leaders and survivors joined us for an afternoon of holistic art therapy. #JustToBe We laughed, talked, discussed issues facing the survivor community, danced, listened to music, ate, shared and painted bears! Looking forward to sharing more studio time with survivors to help them heal. A must. #communitycreateschange Paint Me Bear

July 30, 2024. World Day Against Trafficking in Persons – “Leave No Child Behind”

Join the Warriors and raise awareness on this special day. What is – Your Role in Preventing Human Trafficking: Recognize the Signs

Saturday, July 13, 2024. Washington, DC. Join the Warriors and Lost Voices of Fentanyl Rally at 10AM at the Washington Monument. Learn more.



Upcoming Event. August 21. NYC. Join the Warriors in Times Square for National Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Day. Learn more about the poisoning of America. Help us raise awareness. #pressconference Hear from families impacted by fentanyl. #onepillkills #protectourchildren


June 20, 2024. Happy to attend Community Event in Queens. So proud of ⁦Isaiah Vega, our Warriors Youth Council Leader for hosting a fireside chat to explore critical and crucial issues and upcoming elections in NYC. #communitycreateschange #humantrafficking #education #takeactions #legislation #protectourchildren


June 8 was Global Wellness Day. It is a day advocating for a more comprehensive approach to well-being. What could be better than an exhilarating NYC afternoon of physical fitness and laughter with Denise Austin and Katie Austin,  mother/daughter along with sisters Marguerite and Lynn’s Warriors!

Denise and Katie bring infectious energy and happiness and help women feel their best selves. We thank them for their incredible dedication and support of girls and women everywhere! They are true #Warriors


May 25, 2024. Proud to stand with leader and activist, Warrior Sutton King from Urban Indigenous Collective ⁩at their inspiring film screening “We Ride For Her” part of the MMIWGT2S NYC + East Coast Summit. Did you know that there are 5500 missing or murdered Indigenous women and girls. Not on our watch. Join us. Learn more. #communitycreateschange


NYC. May 18, 2024. So proud to be ⁦in Central Park to greet Warrior PO Andrew Linder, the first person to run across America wearing a 15lb weighted vest to bring awareness to human trafficking. #piertopark His journey began March 1 at the Santa Monica Pier and ended today in NYC! Andrew ran over 3100+ miles! Proceeds ⁦go to Sisters Rising Worldwide. 



NYC. May 16, 2024. What a successful LifeWay Network Event Towards New Life “There’s No Place Like Home” held at Church of St. Ignatius Loyola. What could be more important than safe housing for victims of human trafficking. Join us. Learn more. #SupportSurvivors


NYC. May 15, 2024. Thrilled to meet with dear friend and colleague Dr. Francene Bono-Neri, Co-Founder of Nurses United Against Human Trafficking to discuss new strategies, initiatives and take actions to empower the public.


May 14, 2024.  New Yorkers for the Equality Model had a very successful Lobby Day in our state capital Albany educating legislators about the Sex Trade Survivors Justice and Equality Act. If you’re a New Yorker, please learn more and sign on our support letter. Thank you.



NYC. Thursday, May 16, 2024. Join the Warriors and LifeWay Network LIVE for the annual “Event Towards New Life – There’s No Place Like Home” Gala. This incredible evening features survivors and supports the safe housing program. Please come join us and make a true difference in women recalling their lives. It all starts with a safe space. Learn more about the evening and how to secure tickets for a night you won’t forget. Be part of history!

Event Towards New Life — There's No Place Like Home

Wednesday, April 24. Join Lynn’s Warriors at the Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women. IT’S happening in your neighborhood. Human trafficking. Slavery. No one on Long Island is exempt or around our country. Strategies, take actions and resources. Learn more/tickets.

Thursday. April 4. Get Out the Vote! Calling ALL NY Warriors to Meet! RSVP Event website:



Friday, 3/22. Calling ALL New York Warriors! META Rally sponsored by MAMA-Mothers Against Media Addiction and we’ll be there. NY META Headquarters 770 Broadway at 10:30AM. See you soon!

Calling ALL NY Warriors! Join us this Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 6PM The Junior League of Long Island#communitycreateschange A night of sharing, shopping and sipping! We are proudly supported by #JLLI and can’t wait for you to come shop with us for lots of Spring goodies! The The Junior League of Long Island Thrift Shop proceeds help support organizations like ours! Making a difference. #JuniorLeague #WomenBuildingBetterCommunities#VolunteerLongIsland RSVP now [email protected]

May be an image of drink and text that says 'You're Invited to a Sip & Shop JOIN JLLI PRESIDENT REMI FARNAN AND THE 2023 2024 BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR A NIGHT OF SHOPPING JLLI UPDATES AND NETWORKING Junior League of Long Island Thrift Shop March 14th -7:30 PM Roslyn, NY 11576 RSVP TO INFO@JLLI.ORG'

Join us on March 13, 2024. CallingALL NY/NJ Warriors!💙Let’s go! We are looking forward to meeting you! Please join WonderGirls🩷3rd Anniversary Gala and support our future female leaders💝!Tickets and more information⬇️Come on out and celebrate – Dinner, Dancing, Awards! 🎉#communitycreateschange For more information and tickets:
VISION: Founded in December 2020, Wonder Girls is an after-school program for middle and high school girls with a mission to build confidence, leadership, community spirit, and the necessary business skills to succeed no matter what educational or career path they may choose.
Wonder Girls strive to create a space for addressing the current emotional, physical, and mental challenges facing our young girls today. Wonder Girls provides our girls with a support system, giving them a place where they feel safe and comfortable expressing themselves while also providing them with the tools they need to grow and thrive in this world. We offer our young girls the opportunity to speak their truth without fear of isolation or judgment.

May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'WONDER GINAS ANNIVERSARY WONDER GIRLS emale Empowering our Fulure eaders'




Lynn’s Warriors Live on TNT Radio


Keeping Kids Safe: A Roadmap for Parents, Teachers & Others


Did you know that children are at risk of sexual abuse, now more than ever?

While your children are ‘playing on their laptops’ online grooming could be occuring?

Would some tips on how to protect them be useful?

Sexual abuse and grooming of children across the world are both frightening realities, and ways to manage this are desperately needed.

This roadmap is for the parents, teachers, grandparents, and front-line staff everywhere. Resources are instrumental in combatting these predators, and children need practical tools to use.

This book has been written by a survivor of 16 years of child sexual abuse and trafficking and is considered a masterpiece.

Easy to follow, invaluable to use, this is one roadmap you will need to study.

December Book of the Month


How to Raise Smart Kids With AI: A Fun Guide and Practical Projects to Learn about Artificial Intelligence (Parenting in the Digital Age)

18 OCT 2023 — Renowned border expert and lecturer, Jaeson Jones, joins the Warriors to discuss intricacies and documented horrors of border incursions and breaches. Remember, every state is a border state. Fentanyl, human trafficking, child predation, smuggling, unaccompanied minors. The biggest national security threat since 9/11. #CommunityCreatesChange





August Book of the Month


Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids – and How to Break the Trance

by Nicholas Kardaras


We’ve all seen them: kids hypnotically staring at glowing screens in restaurants, in playgrounds and in friends’ houses―and the numbers are growing. Like a virtual scourge, the illuminated glowing faces―the Glow Kids―are multiplying. But at what cost? Is this just a harmless indulgence or fad like some sort of digital hula-hoop? Some say that glowing screens might even be good for kids―a form of interactive educational tool.

Don’t believe it.

In Glow Kids, Dr. Nicholas Kardaras will examine how technology―more specifically, age-inappropriate screen tech, with all of its glowing ubiquity―has profoundly affected the brains of an entire generation. Brain imaging research is showing that stimulating glowing screens are as dopaminergic (dopamine activating) to the brain’s pleasure center as sex. And a growing mountain of clinical research correlates screen tech with disorders like ADHD, addiction, anxiety, depression, increased aggression, and even psychosis. Most shocking of all, recent brain imaging studies conclusively show that excessive screen exposure can neurologically damage a young person’s developing brain in the same way that cocaine addiction can.

Kardaras will dive into the sociological, psychological, cultural, and economic factors involved in the global tech epidemic with one major goal: to explore the effect all of our wonderful shiny new technology is having on kids. Glow Kids also includes an opt-out letter and a “quiz” for parents in the back of the book.

The Warriors are honored to be partnered with LIFEWAY NETWORK. Ending human trafficking. Reclaiming life.


 It was an honor to attend and speak at the “LIFEWAY NETWORK Event Towards New Life.”

 Lynn Shaw and Marion Kendall (Executive Director of LIFEWAY NETWORK.)

 Lynn’s Warriors program.

 Lynn Shaw speaks to the guests about community creating change and being a WARRIOR.

 Lynn’s Warriors donates items for the Silent Auction.


Ask Me for a Blessing (You Know You Need One)

And take a listen to my interview.

What is a blessing? Do you have to believe to receive one? Can you doubt while you pray? And can you extend grace to others while still desperately in need of it yourself?

Once a week Episcopal priest Adrian Dannhauser stands outside her Manhattan church beside a chalkboard sign that reads “Ask me for a blessing (because God knows you need one).” Passersby stop, chat, and ask for prayer: for a sick friend, an addicted son, an upcoming job interview, the state of our nation, or the grief of our world. Bus drivers sometimes open their doors for a quick prayer before the light turns green, and someone once took her to meet their doorman so she could bless him too. Half of those who stop are in crisis. Someone always cries. A few are simply curious.

Through the heartfelt, frank, and sincere stories of her unique ministry, Dannhauser offers glimpses into the tender, holy, and sometimes hilarious moments of sidewalk prayers. With a potent blend of reverence and irreverence, as well as insights from Christian scriptures, she delves into the power that ancient ideas–blessing, forgiveness, miracles, and prayer–hold in a disenchanted world. For people of Christian faith, other faiths, or no faith at all, having spiritual conversations, even awkward ones with strangers on the street, can help us face our vulnerability, where we may discover a grace sufficient for all.

Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and

How You Can Save Our World



A Sunday Times Business Book of the Year

‘No one ever regrets reading anything Mo Gawdat has written.’ – Emma Gannon, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Multi-Hyphen Method and host of award-winning podcast Ctrl Alt Delete

Technology is putting our humanity at risk to an unprecedented degree. This book is not for engineers who write the code or the policy makers who claim they can regulate it. This is a book for you. Because, believe it or not, you are the only one that can fix it. – Mo Gawdat

Artificial intelligence is smarter than humans. It can process information at lightning speed and remain focused on specific tasks without distraction. AI can see into the future, predict outcomes and even use sensors to see around physical and virtual corners. So why does AI frequently get it so wrong and cause harm?

The answer is us: the human beings who write the code and teach AI to mimic our behaviour. Scary Smart explains how to fix the current trajectory now, to make sure that the AI of the future can preserve our species. This book offers a blueprint, pointing the way to what we can do to safeguard ourselves, those we love and the planet itself.


Lynn’s Warriors is honored and proud to be a part of PROTECT NEW YORKWe invite you to come meet us and join this most important and critical event and project and learn about real solutions to this American crisis.

The University Club of New York • 05.11.2023 @ 06:30 PM (EDT)

Join Lynn’s Warriors at LifeWay Network’s signature Event Towards New Life, bringing together people who are passionate about creating a world in which human trafficking is abolished via education and survivors are supported via safe housing and community. We welcome you to join our caring community changing lives as we honor Melinda Katz, Queens District Attorney, and Jessica Melton, Queens County Assistant District Attorney.



Chalked Up: My Life in Elite Gymnastics Paperback

“I am grateful to Jennifer Sey for sharing such an honest account of her experiences as an elite gymnast. She has eloquently and fairly exposed a dark side to our sport that parents have long needed to be made aware of.”

—Dominique Moceanu, Olympic Gold Medal Winning Gymnast

Fanciful dreams of becoming the next Nadia Comaneci led Jennifer Sey to become a gymnast at the age of six. Her early success propelled her family to sacrifice everything to help her become, by age 11, one of America’s elite. But as she set her sights higher and higher, Jennifer began to change, setting her needs, her health, and her well-being aside in the name of winning. And the adults in her life refused to notice her downward spiral.

Now, Sey reveals the tarnish beneath her gold medals. A powerful portrait of intensity and drive, eating disorders and stage parents, abusive coaches and manipulative businessmen, Chalked Up is the story of a young girl whose dreams would become subsumed by the adults around her.

Featured Speaker at Protecting Teens and Children in a Digital World Event at Chatham Library: ‘The predators are winning’ — Lynn Shaw of Lynn’s Warriors Calls for Open and Honest Discussion

On March 22, 2023, Lynn’s Warriors  spoke on the subject of digital safety.

CHATHAM, NJ — There is hope that legislation to protect children and teenagers from online predators will come this year. In the meantime, parents and their children need to start communicating about the dangers they face in the current digital world.

Lynn Shaw of Lynn’s Warriors called on those attending the “Protecting Children and Teens in Our Digital World” event to come together as a community, take action and start the “open and honest conversation” with their children about the digital manipulation they face on Wednesday night in the Lundt Meeting Room at the Library of the Chathams.

Shaw explains in the video below how she decided to become a “warrior” with a goal of “Ending slavery and sexual exploitation by raising awareness through media and grassroots mobilization, advocacy, education and policy.”






The Social Media Workbook for Teens: Skills to Help You Balance Screen Time, Manage Stress, and Take Charge of Your Life

Is social media stressing your teens out? Written by a millennial psychologist and media expert, this workbook offers practical skills to help teens reduce anxiety, balance screen time, deal with cyberbullies and take charge of your life.

Social media has drastically changed how we communicate with one another. In many ways this is a good thing. For example, it’s easier than ever to stay connected to family and friends who live far away. But social media can also become addictive, stressful, and even alienating. Many teens probably check their smartphone several times throughout the day to stay up to date on the news from friends. But what happens when they’re so worried about missing the latest posts on their feed that they end up missing out on real life adventures and connections?


February is Teen dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM)

Please share this informative read with your teens. Learn more at Love Is Respect.

It Doesn’t Start with a Punch: My Journey through an Abusive Teen Dating Relationship

In It Doesn’t Start with a Punch, abuse survivor and thriver Dee Dee Said shows how easily adolescents can become involved in an abusive relationship. Offering readers an intimate lens into her first dating relationship, which soon became abusive, Dee Dee explores how abuse can start subtly and grow, imparting deep wounds with long-lasting effects.

FEBRUARY 21, 2023. NEW YORKERS FOR THE EQUALITY MODEL. Hosted by Hunter College and Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute 

Premiered “Can Oppression Be Liberation?” A 30-minute film featuring three generations of Black women who share their lived experiences and solutions for justice as sex trade survivors in New York and across the United States.

February 15, 2023. Lynn’s Warriors joined the Junior League of Long Island for a digital safety presentation to educate about protecting our youth online.


February is Black History Month. Reality. Let’s Discuss Women and Girls in the Black Community.

Please read: Feb. 1, 2023 by Dr. Stephany Powell The Unjust Treatment of Black Women and Girls Who Are Victimized in the Sex Trade. Human Trafficking in the African American Community is a Human Rights Violation

                                                  February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

#TDVAM – This is an issue that impacts everyone – not just teens – but their parents, teachers, friends and communities as well.  Together, we can raise the nation’s awareness about teen dating violence and promote safe, healthy relationships. 1 in 3 teens experience a form of dating violence. Learn more at Love Is Respect. Communication. Resources. Take action.

 . Image


We convened in the Kennedy Caucus Room in the Russell Senate Offie Building for a Congressional Roundtable with leaders to discuss strategies and solutions to combat human trafficking in the United States. Thank you, Senator Marsha Blackburn, for your leadership in raising awareness and protecting all people especially our vulnerable children. Stay tuned.


You Are Your Own Best Teacher!: Sparking the Imagination and Intellect of Tweens

You Are Your Own Best Teacher! provides a remarkable variety of teachable antidotes to the punishing forces bearing down on youngsters from harmful marketing, the insidious grip of ‘virtual reality’ and the tyranny of peer groups. Apprehensive parents and burdened teachers will delight in the lessons of this book for Tweens (nine to twelve year olds). It will spark their innate curiosity, imagination and idealism. Tweens, who are whipsawed by relentless distractions, profit-driven manipulations and oncoming addictions, are guided toward elevating their own sense of significance, protection and realizable achievements.


Cyber Creeps: Real-Life Investigations of Internet Crimes Against Children

Most of the true crime genre centers around the gritty and bloody world of homicide, serial killers and those crimes that are sensationalized in the media. But what about the crimes that take place behind the keyboard, impacting hundreds of thousands of the most vulnerable and innocent victims? Since the popular Dateline show To Catch a Predator, very little attention has been provided to pull back the veil of secrecy surrounding internet crimes against children. Until now.
Go down the electronic rabbit hole through a series of true cases conducted revolving around the world of child molesters, internet predators and the taboo sexual practices of those who prey on children online. Through a series of true stories from actual cases, Det. Randall Snyder will shine a light on the secretive world of child sexual exploitation, sharing his successes and failures in apprehending dozens of offenders around the world, and at the same time, rescuing children and providing readers with educational information and advice to help children stay safe online.
These tales, sometimes funny, often unbelievable, and sadly, uncomfortably disturbing but true, will uncover a side of the internet that few acknowledge, even fewer will brave contact with, but which need to be exposed so that children can be better protected in the cyber-age.
Follow Randall through his notable career working child sex crimes and Internet Crimes Against Children, examining the cases, offenders, and situations that resulted in prosecutions and rescues in 33 states and eight different countries across three continents. You will also learn about the dark side of the web, and how the years of undercover work with the seediest parts of society impacted his life, family, and his path to redemption.

WARRIORS Holiday Shopping List for Non-Tech Gifts for Kids. Spark Creativity this Holiday Season! 

Hot 100 


NOVEMBER 8-10 2022. Join me and sign up for the FREE #CESESummit2022. Engage. Educate. Empower. The rise of the Internet, social media and other technologies have completely revolutionized the way people live. Along with the good these develoodments have made possible, they have also unleashed tidal waves of sexual harm. Register here.

NOVEMBER 3, 2022. New York City. Inspiring evening at the French Consulate on Fifth Avenue for the launch of the digital safety app APP-ELLES to help girls and women victims of violence. Thrilled to be joined by my colleagues from New Yorkers for the Equality Model Taina Bien-Aimé from Coalition Against Trafficking Women International and Shandra Woworuntu from Mentari USA.

November is National Runaway Prevention Month (NRPM), a public awareness campaign designed to “shine a light” on the experiences of runaway and homeless youth that too often remain invisible.


Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence



On October 27, 2022, 25 child protection organizations including Lynn’s Warriors urged leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee (Sen. Durbin and Grassley) to advance the END Child Exploitation Act this year to give law enforcement more time to conduct investigations and identify victims of online sexual exploitation.


There is help. We all know someone. Do not be silent. Take action.

24/7 Free and Confidential Support 



Who’s Raising the Kids?: Big Tech, Big Business, and the Lives of Children

From a world-renowned expert on creative play and the impact of commercial marketing on children, a timely investigation into how big tech is hijacking childhood—and what we can do about it.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, digital technologies had become deeply embedded in children’s lives, despite a growing body of research detailing the harms of excessive immersion in the unregulated, powerfully seductive, profit-driven world of the “kid-tech” industry.

Join Lynn’s Warriors live on October 26 2022 at the The Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women for a community discussion entitled HUMAN TRAFFICKING REALITIES AND SOLUTIONS: WHAT ALL FAMILIES AND CONCERNED CITIZENS NEED TO KNOW. Please plan to attend for a most critical discussion in our continued efforts to protect our children online and in realtime.

September 24 2022. Hillsdale NJ. A very successful 8th Annual Child Safety Festival honoring the legacy of Joan and the work of her Mother Rosemarie and brothers in the community with the Joan’s Joy Foundation. The Warriors spoke to the crowds in attendance about digital safety in their homes and communities about how to protect our children online and in realtime.

Listen to the Warriors Address.


How teens navigate a networked world and how adults can support them.

What are teens actually doing on their smartphones? Contrary to many adults’ assumptions, they are not simply “addicted” to their screens, oblivious to the afterlife of what they post, or missing out on personal connection. They are just trying to navigate a networked world. In Behind Their Screens, Emily Weinstein and Carrie James, Harvard researchers who are experts on teens and technology, explore the complexities that teens face in their digital lives, and suggest that many adult efforts to help—“Get off your phone!” “Just don’t sext!”—fall short. Weinstein and James warn against a single-minded focus by adults on “screen time.” Teens worry about dependence on their devices, but disconnecting means being out of the loop socially, with absence perceived as rudeness or even a failure to be there for a struggling friend. Drawing on a multiyear project that surveyed more than 3,500 teens, the authors explain that young people need empathy, not exasperated eye-rolling.


As we head into the new school year, a practical guide to building your child’s bond with family and fostering school success amid the allure of digital screens.


JULY 30 2022. World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.

Use and abuse of technology

This year’s theme focuses on the role of technology as a tool that can both enable and impede human trafficking.

With the global expansion in the use of technology – intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift of our everyday life to online platforms — the crime of human trafficking has conquered cyber space. The internet and digital platforms offer traffickers numerous tools to recruit, exploit, and control victims; organize their transport and accommodation; advertise victims and reach out to potential clients; communicate among perpetrators; and hide criminal proceeds – and all that with greater speed, cost-effectiveness and anonymity.

Learn how you can participate and make a difference. It’s 2022. We all need to become Warriors in our own homes and communities.

JULY 28 2022. HUGE VICTORY! Massachusetts becomes the seventh state to ban child marriage. Governor Charlie Baker signed a law that raises the legal age for marriage to 18 with no exceptions, ultimately ending child marriage in Massachusetts. This is a huge win for survivors and advocates that have been arduously working to ban laws that allow child marriage in the United States. The state of Massachusetts will now protect children from being forced or coerced into a legally binding contract that strips away any protection and rights they have as single minors. According to state records, 1,246 children as young as 14 were married in Massachusetts between 2000 and 2018 and 89.9 percent of them were girls wed to adult men. In 2020 alone, 14 petitions were filed for the marriage of minors to adults in the Commonwealth. For more information and to learn how you can help go to Global Hope 365.

JUST RELEASED. JULY 19 2022. Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report. “As a critical means to continuously improve anti-trafficking efforts, stakeholders should engage with survivors of human trafficking; to listen to, learn from, and lift the voices of those with lived experience. This year’s introduction centers on survivor engagement and highlights the vital role that survivors of human trafficking play in developing and implementing survivor-led, trauma-informed, and comprehensive victim-centered approaches to human trafficking.”

SOUND THE ALARM! OCTOBER 26 2022. Sign Up. Lynn’s Warriors joins the Long Island Center for Business & Professional Women for an evening of discussion and Q&A: Human Trafficking Realities And Solutions: What All Families And Concerned Citizens Need To Know.

JULY 2022 BOOK OF THE MONTH. Officer Carlise is on the case as one of Willow Bay’s own goes missing. Sierra Knight hasn’t been seen in fifteen days. Her disappearance has rocked the city, bringing the public together as they strive to bring Sierra home. With the help of Officer Carlise’s fellow detectives, and the support of the community, they gather evidence, and pursue leads in hopes that their efforts will solve the case.

In Finding Sierra, we learn the importance of community, comradery, and internet safety. Readers will get a glimpse into the very real dangers of entertaining strangers online, and what we can do to prevent involvement in harmful situations.

Join us and Officer Carlise as we share this story, and solve this missing mystery.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Making a difference in her community is what keeps Derrica Wilson passionate and driven to succeed. She has more than two decades of expertise in law enforcement and public safety, including serving as the first black female officer with the City of Falls Church Police Department. During Derrica’s tenure on the police force, she took pride serving as a certified Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Officer and Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Instructor in the public and private school within the City of Falls Church. She was also selected to serve as the agency’s Community Service Officer and Background Investigator. Derrica was also recognized by the Commonwealth of Virginia as a Crime Prevention Specialist.

JULY 8 2022. Great day meeting, learning and strategizing about our children and families with The Center for Garden State Families. L-R Mandy Bristol-Leverett (CAN), Keri Pendergast (Board member, Lynn’s Warriors), Gabriella Brandeal (GSF), Lynn Shaw (Executive Director, Lynn’s Warriors) and Jennifer Weiss (Lynn’s Warriors Advisory Council Member).

July is MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR A CHILD MONTH. Please subscribe to our weekly Warriors Newsletter. This is from last week’s edition.

Now more than ever is time to show our kids that we care about them and their futures. July is the month that you can show children you love them and make additional impact. School’s out for the summer, but that doesn’t mean children stop learning during the summer break. It also means that kids have more time on their hands and will spend more time on their devices. This is the perfect opportunity for you to have an impact on a child’s life. National Make a Difference To Children Month shows children that you care about them and their future by making it brighter. It is a great time to communicate with kids about Internet safety, online privacy updates and the realities of what is going on all around us. Real time safety must also be reviewed. Take action plans must be in place. Get the kids outside and off their phones and computers. Play in the backyard or park, take walks, do arts and crafts, read and cook. Just spend time together. There are countless ways, both big and small, you can make a difference in a child’s life. Much can be done for free. It is time for all of us to unite and make the commitment to lend a helping hand to our children and children in our communities during this month of July.

JUNE 20 2022. Save Jersey. Save America. Great to meet Bill Spadea (AM Dive Host for NJ 101.5) in Fort Lee NJ to discuss what people want to hear: Common Sense. He’s fighting for families and spreading truth. Learn more at the Common Sense Club. Stay tuned.

June 2022 is Internet Safety Month. Take action. Communicate with the kids. Talk about predators lurking on every platform/app kids use. Secure online with safety filters, monitoring schools, limit screen time. Come together. Beat criminals. Learn more. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children,, Protect Young Eyes, Defend Young Minds.

June 2022 Warriors Book of the Month

Recommended Reading

I Cried to Dream Again: Trafficking, Murder, and Deliverance — A Memoir by Sara Kruzan
At once disturbing and empowering, the memoir of a courageous woman who was abused, groomed, and trafficked for sex from age eleven to age sixteen, who then killed her trafficker/father figure and was sentenced as a juvenile to life in prison without parole.

MAY 22 2022. LYNN’S WARRIORS ADDRESSES MOMS FOR LIBERTY (MORRIS COUNTY NJ CHAPTER). Community digital safety screening followed by Q&A. With chapter Co-Chair Nicole Martin and Member Jennifer Weiss (Lynn’s Warriors Advisory Council).

MAY 12 2022. LYNN’S WARRIORS SPEAKS AT LIFEWAY NETWORK’S “EVENT TOWARDS A NEW LIFE.” Ending human trafficking. Reclaiming life. #SupportSurvivors

MAY 10 2022. WARRIORS ATTEND LOBBY DAY IN ALBANY NY. The Warriors is proudly part of the New Yorkers for the Equality Model Coalition. We traveled en masse to Albany NY (the state capital) to raise awareness and educate our representatives and elected officials about the SEX TRADE SURVIVORS JUSTICE AND EQUALITY ACT, a bipartisan bill to support victims and survivors of human trafficking cosponsored vy Sen. Liz Krueger and Assemblymember Pamela Hunter.


Together for Mental Health Mental Health Awareness began in 1949 by Mental Health America. We now understand so much more, have access to research and education, are aware of indicators, openly discuss and have many resources available for children. The theme for 2022  Mental Health Month is “Back to Basics.” The goal is to provide foundational knowledge about mental health and mental health conditions and information about what people can do if their mental health is a cause for concern. Sound the alarm. The mental health of our children is now an American crisis. It was declining before Covid but now we know how much more our children have suffered in the past two plus years. [Lynn’s Warriors Newsletter]

May 4, 2022. Thank you, Professor Jen Sundt, for inviting us to speak at your Family Law Class ⁦at New York Law School. The Warriors led a panel discussion with three incredible, brave Warrior Women Survivors to raise awareness about human trafficking and sexual exploitation and how the legal system failed them. We discussed child sexual abuse, the foster care system, domestic violence, family court, trauma and lifelong healing, existing laws and pending legislation surrounding all of these issues plus how we can begin to make a difference.. Our critical and crucial discussion was followed by a Q&A with the students. They were fully engaged and asked thoughtful questions. Our goal is to educate upcoming lawyers about dedicating their pro bono work to victims and survivors of child abuse, domestic violence and human trafficking. We are grateful. We are humbled. We are Warriors.

MAY 2, 2022. Yale Club of NYC.May is Mental Health Awareness Month. I joined fierce advocate and co-sponsor Ashley Bernhard of The Tournament of Champions Women’s Leadership Program in supporting female athletes, women who lead and equality. It was an evening of celebration recognizing philanthropist Peg Wyant and female athletes and the importance of mental health.


Sick of the vultures feeding themselves on injured and defenseless women and children, this particular mother says enough and refuses to be eaten alive by the various scavengers! Those bureau’rats who’d said they’d help her, did not. Instead, they flipped the script, leaving her no choice but to take matters into her own hands, and that’s when justice was meted out to all.Self-understanding comes with time, but will that time come before she self-destructs? Will this self-appointed Shero simmer down and play it cool or will she allow her rage to consume her?

APRIL BOOK OF THE MONTH. Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution

Born into a troubled family, Rachel Moran left home at the age of fourteen. Being homeless, she was driven into prostitution to survive. With intelligence and empathy, she describes the exploitation she and others endured on the streets and in the brothels. Moran also speaks to the psychological damage inherent to prostitution and the inevitable estrangement from one’s body. At twenty-two, Moran escaped the sex trade. She has since become a writer and an abolitionist activist.


For more information, visit here.

NYC — I will be speaking on behalf of Lynn’s Warriors on how to become your own Warrior in your own home and community. Please support survivors. And stay tuned for more details.

MARCH 22 2022 — Lynn’s Warriors is proud to stand with Fairplay. We are deeply concerned that young people, who are spending more and more time online, are being targeted in unfair ways by online platforms and apps that take advantage of their developmental vulnerabilities. There is bipartisan agreement that young people deserve meaningful privacy protections, including banning harmful and discriminatory uses of data and enacting regulations that require digital service providers to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of children and teens in the design of their products and services.

The March 10 Warriors Live Event in NYC at the 3 West Club was an overwhelming success. We engaged, educated and empowered concerned citizens, parents and grandparents about online and realtime safety. A must in 2022. Human trafficking and sexual exploitation are happening in every town, city and rural area in the United States. Everyone left a WARRIOR, committed to protecting all children.

“Our mission is ending human trafficking and sexual exploitation by raising awareness through media and grassroots mobilization, advocacy, education and policy.”

Human Trafficking Realities and Solutions:
The Medical, Legal and
Survivor Advocacy Perspectives

Thursday, March 10, 2022 | 6:00 PM Reception | 6:30 PM Discussion and
Dinner to Follow | Cash Bar | Dinner $40

We invite our WNRC community to join a panel discussion with members Lynn Shaw and Dr. Ann DiMaio Ricci along with Hon. Fernando Camacho, Acting Justice of the Suffolk County Supreme Court in the Tenth Judicial District of New York, for a critical and crucial discussion about the escalation of sex trafficking and exploitation taking place in every town, city and rural area in America. Lynn is the Founder and Executive Director of Lynn’s Warriors, an organization working to educate, intervene and disrupt the cycles of human trafficking and advocate for existing and new policies for the city, state and on the federal level that address the protection of our children. Dr. DiMaio Ricci is a member of the Lynn’s Warriors Advisory Council and is a physician specializing in emergency, pediatric and trauma medicine and is recognized nationally for her work with victims of sex trafficking. She has extensive medical knowledge and expertise in dealing with victims and will tell us about her unique best practices program that is in development for New York State. Judge Camacho began his legal career as an assistant district attorney with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office where he was assigned to the Trial Division as well as the Sex Crimes Unit. During his tenure as judge he was instrumental in establishing a prostitution diversion court.

Do you know what your children and grandchildren are doing online? The predators do. Join us for a discussion on the digital landscape facing our kids today, the indicators of exploitation and trafficking, the realities of the mental and physical trauma that victims and survivors endure for a lifetime plus the necessary role of law enforcement and how they are looking at trafficking through a new lens with the renewed promise of holding those accountable who cause harm.

Is this frightening? Yes, because it’s all true. Don’t let your child or grandchild be the next victim. Let’s all come together and engage, educate and empower ourselves and our children with facts and action against all forms of predation. #BeAWarrior

RSVP to [email protected] | 212-245-7004


Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.

Celebrate women’s achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.


Women’s History Month had its origins as a national celebration in 1981 when Congress passed Pub. L. 97-28 which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning March 7, 1982 as “Women’s History Week.” Throughout the next five years, Congress continued to pass joint resolutions designating a week in March as “Women’s History Week.” In 1987 after being petitioned by the National Women’s History Project, Congress passed Pub. L. 100-9 which designated the month of March 1987 as “Women’s History Month.” Between 1988 and 1994, Congress passed additional resolutions requesting and authorizing the President to proclaim March of each year as Women’s History Month. Since 1995, presidents have issued a series of annual proclamations designating the month of March as “Women’s History Month.” These proclamations celebrate the contributions women have made to the United States and recognize the specific achievements women have made over the course of American history in a variety of fields.


True stories that inform and educate.

(For ages 14 and above.) IN OUR BACKYARD. Through true stories and years of boots-on-the-ground experience, including at the Super Bowl, anti-trafficking expert Nita Belles teaches readers everything they need to know about human trafficking in the United States and what they can do to join the fight against it.

February 13, 2022

February 2022. We are proud to join THORN and stand with other leading child advocacy organizations too ask the EU to take action. #ProtectOurKidsOnline #SaferInternetDay2022

Fighting Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: Europe needs to seize the moment


In the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, another pandemic has also been rampant. With more interactions shifting to the digital world, child sexual abuse material (known as CSAM) online has grown exponentially. Last year alone, the number of child sexual exploitation and online abuse reports has exploded, reaching the highest level ever recorded.

Today, more than 46 million unique images or videos of child abuse are registered in Europol ́s repository. Europe is now the world’s largest host of websites containing CSAM which demands immediate action from EU member states.

Behind the numbers are real children suering. Whenever CSAM is created, the child depicted in it is violated in their personal safety, dignity, and privacy. Each time the material goes viral, the child is revictimized. Some children are even recognized in real life from their abuse images. This status-quo deeply contradicts the values of human dignity and the protection of fundamental rights upon which Europe is grounded.

The sad truth is that today on every online platform with an upload button, CSAM can be found and spread. Every messaging service is prone to be misused by perpetrators for the purpose of grooming children and young people. And while perpetrators have proved very inventive in terms of utilizing these technologies, the potential of technology to rein in this crime has yet to be fully exploited.

The European Commission ́s initiative to enact a long-term regulation to fight child sexual abuse comes at a time of urgency. We, a broad alliance of child advocacy organizations, welcome this initiative, as well as the Trio presidencies’ – France, the Czech Republic, and Sweden – commitment to step up eorts at the EU level to better protect children, in particular against sexual abuse.

As with the GDPR, the EU is once more in the position to establish a new global standard for child protection and privacy, thereby helping build a safer digital ecosystem for every child irrespective of where they happen to live.

We firmly believe that to tackle the CSAM pandemic, governments need not only to chase after perpetrators, but also to make digital environments a safer place for children where their rights are being secured and respected. One key element to this is to authorize highly precise CSAM detection technology which can be deployed together within a framework which provides legal certainty. Another element is to look for new and innovative preventive measures. To ensure that CSAM continues to be detected and reported quickly and reliably, the EU should seize this opportunity to establish a legal framework that allows for technological innovation in the long-term. It is an essential way to prevent harm and protect children.

We call upon the European Commission, the Council and the European Parliament to put the rights of children at the heart of its upcoming legislation. Safety by design and privacy by default are conditions which every online platform should fulfill to foster an online environment that is safe for kids. We stand ready to support this undertaking by making available our broad expertise to all stakeholders and engage in a constructive, open dialogue.

Lynn’s Warriors Supports the EARN IT Act

NEW YORK CITY — January 31, 2022. Lynn’s Warriors supports the EARN IT Act sponsored by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut). This reintroduced bipartisan legislation encourages the tech industry to take action against CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Material) on their platforms.

The Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act (EARN IT Act) removes blanket immunity for violations of laws related to online child sexual abuse material (CSAM).

“There are tens of millions of photos and videos circulating throughout the internet, showing the most heinous acts of sexual abuse and torture of children,” said Senator Graham. “The EARN IT Act removes Section 230 blanket liability protection from service providers in the area of child sexual abuse material on their sites. To all the victim groups and law enforcement entities urging Congress to do something about the scourge of child sexual abuse material and the exploitation of children on the internet: we hear you. The days of children being exploited on the internet and their families being unable to do anything about it are coming to an end.”

“The EARN IT Act is very simply about whether tech companies should be held responsible for their complicity in the sexual abuse and exploitation of children when they refuse to report or remove images of these crimes hosted on their platforms,” said Senator Blumenthal. “The modern internet is infested with stomach-churning images of children who have been brutally assaulted and exploited, and who are haunted by a lifetime of pain after these photographs and videos are circulated online. Tech companies have long had ready access to low-cost, or even free tools to combat the scourge of child sexual abuse material but have failed to act. Millions of these horrifying images go unidentified and unreported by the tech platforms that host them because there are so few consequences when these companies look the other way. That ends with the EARN IT Act.”


  • Removes immunity for social media and technology companies that   disseminate and facilitate the distribution of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) on their platforms.
  • Updates existing federal statutes to use the term child sexual abuse material (CSAM) instead of child pornography. The term child pornography fails to describe the true nature of the images and undermines the seriousness of the abuse.
  • Establishes a commission of survivors, technology representatives, and government stakeholders to create recommendations and voluntary best practices for tech companies to respond to the global pandemic of online sexual exploitation of children.


  • Does not undermine encryption. Does not address this and in fact creates a specific carve out stating that interactive computer services that provide such encryption cannot be held liable under state criminal or civil law related to any provision of EARN IT.
  • Does not impact civil liberties. Does not change the civil liberties or 4th Amendment protections of any American. It does not grant law enforcement any additional legal powers to access an individual’s personal data or communications.
  • Does not create a Commission dominated by the Attorney General. The AG is just one of 19 voting members and only additional role under EARN IT is to publish the Commission’s agreed upon “Best Practices” on the Department of Justice website and Federal Register. The other 18 members include victims and survivors’ service organizations, law enforcement, tech industry and privacy reps.

The EARN IT Act is supported by more than 258 bipartisan groups across the United States including survivors and stakeholders. Follow Lynn’s Warriors for breaking news and updates about the EARN IT Act and legislative developments.


  • Contact your Senators and Representatives and urge them to support the EARN IT Act.
  • Use these hashtags on social media. #EndChildAbuseOnline #Detect2Protect #ProtectOurKidsOnline
  • Forward and share this statement of support with friends, family and colleagues today. Spread the word and awareness. #BeAWarrior


Stay tuned. EARN IT Act. #ProtectOurChildrenOnline #DetectToProtect #EndChildAbuseOnline

Sound the AlarmFebruary 8. Safer Internet Day. Join us as we celebrate Safer Internet Day with actions taking place across the United States and globe. With a theme of “Together for a better Internet,” the day will call upon all Warriors to join together to make the Internet a safer and better place for all, especially children and young people. What could be better than the EARN IT Act to end child sexual abuse online and hold Big Tech accountable for distributing and disseminating CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Material).

REMEMBER. Think grassroots movement. Think community. Think “We Are Warriors.”

Take Action. February 8 — 4 PM ET. Virtual Congressional Briefing: How the EARN IT Act Protects Children from Rampant Sexual Abuse on Technology Platforms. Please register here.

WHAT: The National Center on Sexual Exploitation is sponsoring a virtual congressional briefing about the crucial need for the EARN IT Act, a bipartisan bill that creates new incentives for tech accountability regarding child sexual abuse material (CSAM, AKA child pornography). 

A New York Times investigation revealed that 70 million CSAMChild Sexual Abuse Material images were reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in 2019, up from 600,000 in 2008 and called this an “almost unfathomable” increase in criminal behavior.

The briefing will focus on revealing the harm victims of CSAM experience, and why the EARN IT Act is the best solution. The briefing will include expert panelists from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), ECPAT-USANational Children’s Alliance, and Berkley Professor Hany Farid, inventor of hashing technology currently used to scan and detect CSAM.

JUST ISSUED.  February 4. ***ICYMI***

“More is needed from our government to instill protections that will keep our children and others from being exploited in exchange for advertising profits,” the letter stated.

[WASHINGTON, DC] – This week, a coalition of 258 organizations representing survivors of child exploitation and sex trafficking from all 50 states and the District of Columbia published a letter of support calling on Congress to pass the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act (EARN IT Act).

The EARN IT Act was introduced last week by U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and would encourage the tech industry to take online child sexual exploitation seriously by removing blanket immunity for violations of laws related to online child sexual abuse material (CSAM).

“It is time to confront and restrict rampant sexual abuse occurring on digital platforms,” the organizations and advocates wrote in the letter. “Victims will finally have access to justice because EARN IT will allow them to use federal civil and state criminal and civil law to seek redress for harm suffered.” 

Let’s talk about it. We’re not hearing much this month about educating our kids about relationships and dating safety. Silence is deadly. All has certainly changed over the past two years with Covid-19 invading and disrupting our everyday lives. More teens moved online during this period to continue their relationships and form new ones in record numbers. It’s time to get back on track and raise awareness about the importance of every February being recognized as Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAM).

Let’s really talk about it. First we must educate ourselves. Second, we must make the commitment to openly and honestly communicate with our kids. It’s up to us to engage, educate and empower them. TDVAM is an issue that impacts everyone, not just teens, but their parents, other family members, teachers, friends and communities as well. Together we must raise community and national awareness about teen dating violence and promote safe, healthy relationships. Let’s come together and shine a light on TDVAM. Violence is never the answer. We all know this. Then why is teen violence escalating in record numbers in 2021-2022? Is it becoming normalized by the out of control online behaviors that we’ve all witnessed over the past few years? Do the media and entertainment landscape play a role in showcasing such abuse online? Do our kids even discuss or know what teen dating violence is and discuss such among their peers online? All seems to be clouded in mystery. No more silence. We must begin to solve. We have many tools and resources. We know the digital landscape contributes to our children and teens being vulnerable. Just watch the documentary Childhood 2.0 and find out what the real digital landscape is facing kids and parents today. And what will be ever-changing with the onslaught of Web 3.0 and the metaverses. Let’s take a look at what teen dating abuse is, the horrifying statistics and explore facts and solutions surrounding teen dating violence. 

FEB 2022. Warriors Book of the Month. Want a natural and comfortable way to talk to your kids ages 3-12 about pornography? This newly revised edition of the original bestseller makes that daunting discussion easy! Good Pictures Bad Pictures is a read-aloud story about a mom and dad who explain what pornography is, why it’s dangerous, and how to reject it.

Featuring easy-to-understand science and simple analogies, this internationally-acclaimed book engages young kids to porn-proof their own brains.

Good Pictures Bad Pictures is in the top 100 best-selling parenting books on Amazon.

New York|New Jersey WONDER GIRLS launches Human Trafficking PSA to engage, educate and empower to prevent these crimes in their communities. During the month of January their focus is on raising awareness about all forms of human trafficking. Please learn more and support the mission of the WONDER GIRLS.

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. It is a dedicated month to raising awareness about the different forms of human trafficking also known as modern-day slavery and educating people about this crime and how to spot it.

“Every year since 2010, the President has dedicated the month to raising awareness about the different forms of human trafficking, also known as modern slavery, and educating people about this crime and how to spot it.  In January, the Department of State raises awareness of human trafficking domestically and abroad through U.S. embassies and consulates.  We also celebrate the efforts of anti-trafficking organizations, communities of faith, state and local law enforcement, survivor advocates, businesses, and private citizens all around the world to promote this important cause.  Everyone can play a part in ending human trafficking.”

#WearBlueDay: January 11

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is recognized each year on January 11th. In recognition of this important day, and throughout the month of January, Blue Campaign hosts several special events and educational activities.

Blue Campaign’s largest initiative is #WearBlueDay on January 11th. To raise awareness of human trafficking, we invite the public to take photos of themselves, friends, family, and colleagues wearing blue clothing and share them on social media – Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram – along with our #WearBlueDay hashtag. Anyone can participate, all you need is a piece of blue clothing!

The Warriors January Book of the Month. The Truth about Clergy Sexual Abuse: Clarifying the Facts and the Causes. Make sure to listen to my 1.12.22 WVOX Radio interview with Bill Donohue.

The Warriors December Book of the Month. Practically Divine. Make sure to listen to my 12.1.21 WVOX Radio interview with Becca.

A Critical Report. Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, the United States Surgeon General, issued a report warning that young people are facing “devastating” mental health effects as a result of the challenges experienced by their generation, including the coronavirus pandemic.

“Recent national surveys of young people have shown alarming increases in the prevalence of certain mental health challenges— in 2019, one in three high school students and half of female students reported persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, an overall increase of 40% from 2009. We know that mental health is shaped by many factors, from our genes and brain chemistry to our relationships with family and friends, neighborhood conditions, and larger social forces and policies.”

Justice Department Anti-Trafficking Efforts Highlighted in 2021 National Action Plan to Combat Human TraffickingFriday, December 3, 2021. “Today the White House released the 2021 National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking, which lays out a broad-based, multi-disciplinary, whole-of-government approach to addressing this crime and its harmful impacts on crime victims, their communities and our national security. The Action Plan calls upon the U.S. Department of Justice and its partners across the Executive Branch to implement a number of Priority Actions to enhance U.S. efforts to combat human trafficking.”

THORN.ORG Thorn research reveals: Shocking trends confirm need for parents to talk about online safety with kids earlier, more often.


The Lynn’s Warriors Holiday Shop is open! Lots of Holiday goodies with proceeds going to help human trafficking victims and survivors reclaim their lives through economic empowerment. Please support.

November 17. Report Cards on Child and Youth Sex Trafficking Issued by Shared Hope. See how your state ranks and learn how six issue areas served as the cornerstone for the advanced legislative framework used to grade each state.




Take Action. 

Article 39 of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child requires states to take measures to promote physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of a child victim of: any form of neglect, exploitation, or abuse. This includes when child victims commit acts of violence against their abusers that otherwise may not be covered by traditional self-defense laws. In all cases where child victims engage in violence against their abusers, regardless of whether the act was premeditated, courts should have as much flexibility as possible in creating a trauma informed and age-appropriate response, including suspending any sentence or transferring a child victim into the juvenile or child welfare system for treatment and services. uch policies are known as “Sara’s Law” named in honor of a child sex trafficking victim who killed her trafficker and rapist and was then sentenced to life without parole. Thankfully, she is no longer incarcerated and advocates alongside us to make sure that no child endures the human rights abuses that she experienced.


Take Action. 

Shared Hope’s Report Cards on Child & Youth Sex Trafficking are just over a month away! Sign up to receive your state’s grade the day it’s released!

In 2010, Shared Hope developed the nation’s first legal framework that challenged states to enact laws that comprehensively address the crime of child sex trafficking. Since then, Shared Hope has used this framework to grade states on the strength of their laws related to combatting child sex trafficking and protecting victims. Last fall, we released an advanced legislative framework aimed at pushing states even further to provide imperative protections for survivors, including access to services and legal remedies.

This November, we will release the inaugural Report Cards on Child & Youth Sex Trafficking, which will include state grades under this advanced legislative framework.

The Report Cards are vital for encouraging your elected officials to make changes to support survivors. Sign up today to be among the first to know when the Report Cards are released so you can learn how your state is doing.

The Warriors Book of the Month.

“In this powerful true story, Theresa Flores shares how her life as an All-American, blue-eyed, blond-haired 15-year-old teenager who could have been your neighbor was enslaved into the dangerous world of sex trafficking while living in an upper-middle class suburb of Detroit. Her story peels the cover off of this horrific criminal activity and gives dedicated activists as well as casual bystanders a glimpse into the underbelly of trafficking. And it all happened while living at home without her parents ever knowing about it. Involuntarily involved in a large underground criminal ring, Ms. Flores endured more as a child than most adults will ever face their entire lives.” The Slave Across the Street

November is Native American Heritage Month. Lynn’s Warriors💙 recognizes the disproportionate level of sex trafficking and gender based violence that occurs in Native American communities and wants to educate the public about this overlooked community. We stand with all Native survivors, and will continue to support anti-trafficking efforts in American Indian/Native Alaskan communities and reservations around the country. Community #Engage #Educate#Empower #NAHM #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth

Take Action. Make the call.
1-800-799-SAFE (7233). Learn more. National Network to End Domestic Violence

1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc. [SOURCE]







Lynn’s Warriors stands with Helen Taylor, Director of Intervention at Exodus Cry, as we peacefully rally to #ProtectChildrenNotPorn. We demand and end to child exposure to adult content. Age verification is a must. Safety measures must be put in place to protect our children. 


Parenting in a Tech World: A handbook for raising kids in the digital age

How do you know when your child is ready for a smartphone? Which apps are the most dangerous for my 13-year-old? What do I do if I catch my child watching porn? How do I get to a place of trusting my kid with social media? How do I spot signs of trouble in my kid from their use of social media?

Open Borders=Open Trafficking

March to the Border. How many children will be exploited, lost and trafficked for us to stand up & hold elected leaders accountable for their failed open border policies? Over 1 million immigrants were apprehended for illegal crossing in 2021 alone and that number is projected to increase as immigrants all over the world make their way to our open borders. Among them terrorists, traffickers, murderers and rapists are walking right into our country while this administration foments more destruction & destabilization of America & her citizens. This is unsustainable and it will not end until we demand strong borders.

Join us for the largest anti-human trafficking, pro national security peaceful protest and March that every American will hear about.

2020 Federal Human Trafficking Report: Find out how your state is doing.

IT’S BACK TO SCHOOL TIME. What is a Digital Footprint?: 5 Ways to Protect Your Kids Online





“Apple has rightly been recognized, including by Child Rescue Coalition, for its move towards the identification of known Child Sexual Abuse Material in its iCloud services. This is a move which is overdue and which, I believe, should be compulsory by law. Nevertheless, it is most welcome, and we hope other companies such as Amazon presenting the same concerns to parents, will soon follow suit.” — GLEN POUNDER


Shandra Woworuntu is the founder of Mentari, an organization to empower trafficking survivors to reintegrate into society independently through D.R.E.A.M.—direct services, resources, empowerment, advocacy, and mentorship. She is a survivor of human trafficking and domestic violence and has dedicated her life to raising awareness and to mentor and empower survivors. In 2015, Shandra was appointed by President Barack Obama to be a member of the first US Advisory Council on Human Trafficking. She was a 2017 national honoree of L’Oréal Paris’ annual philanthropic program, Women of Worth, for her outstanding leadership and her tireless work to create positive changes in her community through Mentari. Often you will find her working as a volunteer to help survivors. Points of Light awarded her with the Daily Points of Light Award created by US President George H. W. Bush. She recently received recognition as the 2020 Power of Diversity 100—the most Asian American in Politics and Policy in the State and City of New York. 

In Solidarity with the United Nations’ World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, the Goya Foods Pledges $2 Million to End the Atrocity of Modern-Day Slavery


New York is now the sixth state to ban child marriage, after raising the legal age of consent to be married to 18. Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the legislation Thursday. It takes effect 30 days after becoming law.

“This administration fought hard to successfully end child marriage in New York and I’m proud to sign this legislation to strengthen our laws and further protect vulnerable children from exploitation,” Cuomo said. “Children should be allowed to live their childhood and I thank the many legislators and advocates who worked diligently to advance this measure and further prevent forced marriages in this state.”

Warriors?please listen and support MATRIARCH’S beautiful new single “STAND UP” that premiered 7.20.21 at the Global Online #CESESummit 2021! Available on iTunes. All proceeds benefit the National Center on Sexual Exploitation and their law center with their incredible work to combat all forms of sexual abuse and exploitation. #BeAWarrior #Music? #Matriarch #FreedomWarrior #SupportSurvivors
It’s not to late to register for the largest gathering of its kind sponsored by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. Registration is FREE. Sound the alarms! Lynn Shaw will be presenting on Friday, July 23, 2021, at 8:00 AM ET. “Be A Warrior: Engaging the Media and Strategies and Tips for Building Your Own Brand.”

Lynn’s Warriors Partner Global Hope 365 Breaking News! A Major Win!! Our No Marriage Under 18, No Exceptions Resolution was adopted by representatives of the Interreligious Council of Southern California. We are thrilled to see this important work expand.

The recitals in the resolution are affirmed by the Interreligious Council Of Southern California (ICSoCal); And (ICSoCal) will be forwarding it to All Members the resolution and information about the related advocacy and action work of Global Hope 365.

Delegations from the following member organizations of the ICSoCal approve this resolution: 

  • Board of Rabbis of Southern California
  • International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)
  • Episcopal Diocese Of Los Angeles
  • Islamic Center of Southern California
  • Pacifica Institute
  • Religious Society of Friends
  • Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles
  • Sikh Dharma of Southern California
  • Vedanta Society of Southern California

Stay tuned! Lynn’s Warriors will be giving a special online presentation to commemorate this most important event.
Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody is encouraging residents to attend this year’s FREE Human Trafficking Summit beginning Oct. 5th. Moody says it will bring together experts from across the country to educate people on how they can help put an end to human trafficking in the state. “Summit attendees will be able to access hours-worth of targeted breakout session presented by subject matter experts from across the country all without needing to travel,” Moody says.
Great news! You can now shop AmazonSmile and start supporting Lynn’s Warriors. Please use, or shop with AmazonSmile activated in the app, and they’ll donate 0.5% of the eligible purchase price — at no extra cost to you. Your support goes directly to our mission of helping survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Thank you. #BeAWarrior?

I am honored to be presenting at the NCOSE 2021 Summit “Be A Warrior: Building Your Own Brand By Utilizing Free Strategies and Resources Around You.” Join us July 20-24, 2021.

Major Victory! Google Defaults K-12 Chromebooks and Products to Safety

Major Victory! Google Defaults K-12 Chromebooks and Products to Safety

Join Unchained At Last on June 17 for a virtual discussion of the groundbreaking study, which found nearly 300,000 children were legally married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018 — mostly girls wed to adult men, typically before the girls were old enough to file for divorce or enter a domestic violence shelter. Some 60,000 marriages occurred at an age or with a spousal age difference that should have been considered a sex crime.More May Wins, Our May Educational Series plus Lynn’s Warriors. Learn more about child brides, digital safety and how to communicate with your children about the world today.Digital Safety Protection Instruction is must for parents, trusted adults and kids.

Lynn Shaw attends Digital Trust presentation with Chris McKenna, Founder of Protect Young Eyes, in New Jersey.


Lynn Shaw with Helen Taylor, Director of Intervention for Exodus Cry.

Lynn Shaw with Congresswoman Ann Wagner (R-MO) in Washington DC

Lynn Shaw addressing the Alliance to End Human Trafficking in Washington DC

Lynn Shaw with Human Rights Activist Rosi Orozco in Washington DC

Lynn Shaw with human trafficking survivor Shandra Woworuntu, Founder of Mentari Human Trafficking Survivor Empowerment Program

Lynn Shaw at the White House

Lynn Shaw and Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody

Lynn Shaw with New York Attorney General Letitia “Tish” James during a Zoom conference on human trafficking

Lynn Shaw and In Question host Manila Chan discussing legislation addressing child predation at schools

Advisory Council member Michael Lebron at the Capitol

Lynn Shaw and Advisory Council member and husband Michael Lebron

Lynn Shaw with Advisory Council member Maria Ramirez

Lynn Shaw with Dr. Stephany Powell, Director of Law Enforcement Training and Survivor Service at the National Center on Sexual Exploitation

Lynn Shaw and Advisory Council member and husband Michael Lebron

Lynn Shaw and Board member Colin Lively

Lynn Shaw and Board member Keri Pendergast

Lynn Shaw giving a presentation in Amenia (Dutchess County), New York

Lynn Shaw at the Heritage Foundation in Washington DC

Lynn Shaw has has helped steer advocacy and policy on the New York Sex Trade Survivors Justice and Equality Act.

Lynn Shaw has has helped steer advocacy and policy on the New York Equality Model.

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