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02-07 Sound the Alarm! Parents Beware During Super Bowl. Carl’s Jr. New Ad Takes a Page from Porn

The Parents Television and Media Council (PTC) is warning parents and families about a sexually suggestive new Carl’s Jr. ad to air on traditional and streaming television outlets ahead of the February 9 Super Bowl game. The ad is already available to watch online.

“Carl’s Jr. has taken a page from the pornography industry with the sexually suggestive imagery that references a ‘money shot’ in its new ad, and families should beware as the ad will air before the Super Bowl game on different media outlets,” said Melissa Henson, vice president, Parents Television and Media Council.

“Using ‘soft core porn’ to sell burgers was Carl’s Jr.’s previous strategy years ago – and one we called out. In 2017 the company appeared to have a change of heart, wisely realizing that strategy was ‘distracting.’ But like Hollywood ‘s mindset of reviving old ideas, Carl’s Jr. must have dusted off its outdated playbook, forgetting that it alienated customerswith its racy ad campaigns years ago.

“We urge Carl’s Jr. to reconsider airing this ad campaign. We also warn parents to try to steer clear of this commercial over the coming weekend,” Henson said.

lynnswarriors02-07 Sound the Alarm! Parents Beware During Super Bowl. Carl’s Jr. New Ad Takes a Page from Porn