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08-09 Join Parents SOS. KOSA is Our Best Chance for Long-term Guardrails that will Save Lives. #ProtectKidsOnline

The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) now called KOSPA – Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act – is a groundbreaking piece of legislation addressing growing concern about the impact of online and social media platforms on children and teens. It responds to extensive research and whistleblower insights revealing that such platforms often engage in practices detrimental to the young users’ mental and physical health. We need your help. Urge your Representatives to support in the House. Learn more and how to participate.  It takes only seconds. 

  • KOSA acknowledges the correlation between social media usage and mental health issues like negative body image, addiction, and self-harm.

  • The Act challenges harmful business models of tech companies that prioritize profit over youth safety.

  • KOSA imposes a duty of care on online platforms to proactively mitigate risks like cyberbullying and sexual exploitation.

lynnswarriors08-09 Join Parents SOS. KOSA is Our Best Chance for Long-term Guardrails that will Save Lives. #ProtectKidsOnline