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10-26 Senator Josh Hawley Slams Biden Official for Releasing Migrant Children to Human Traffickers

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) questioned Robin Dunn Marcos, Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, about the ongoing child migrant crisis at the southern border and the 85,000 children that the Biden Administration has lost track of.

“Do you really think that you are helping these children by releasing them to labor traffickers and yes, sex traffickers?” asked Senator Hawley. “85,000 children whom you have no contact with and your answer is—we gave them a presentation before we turned them over to these people who are exploiting them on a scale not seen in this country for 100 years.”

When Senator Hawley pressed Director Dunn Marcos to say exactly how many migrant children the department had released into the United States and was also currently in contact with, the Director had no response.

Read more here. 

Warrior10-26 Senator Josh Hawley Slams Biden Official for Releasing Migrant Children to Human Traffickers