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10-11 Israeli and Jewish Schools Reportedly Urge Parents to Tell Their Kids to Delete Instagram and TikTok to Avoid Disturbing Images of Hostages

We should do the same in America.

Several Israeli and Jewish schools are reportedly urging parents to delete social media apps like Instagram, TikTok and X, formerly known as Twitter, from their children’s smartphones to prevent them from seeing violent images and videos related to the Israel-Hamas conflict.

One Tel Aviv school’s parents’ association warned of the possibility that Hamas fighters may release graphic videos of hostages “begging for their lives,” CNN reported on Tuesday.

“We cannot allow our kids to watch this stuff. It is also difficult, furthermore — impossible — to contain all this content on social media,” the message said. “Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.”


Several Jewish schools in the U.S. have also issued similar warnings, reported the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, which added that “It was not clear where the information about forthcoming hostage videos was coming from.”

Read more here. 

Warrior10-11 Israeli and Jewish Schools Reportedly Urge Parents to Tell Their Kids to Delete Instagram and TikTok to Avoid Disturbing Images of Hostages