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10-08 Unaccompanied Migrant Kids Seen Selling Candy in NYC Subways: ‘Shameful, Disgusting, Blatant Child Abuse’

Unaccompanied migrant children are navigating the bowels of the city’s subway system and trains to peddle candies to strangers.

On Wednesday, an 11-year-old migrant girl exited an uptown B train at the 59th Street-Columbus Circle station all on her own, carrying a cardboard box filled with peanut M&M’s, Skittles, and Kinder Buenos for sale.

“My mother is on the other side,” the child told The Post in Spanish, before running off solo to tug at riders’ jackets and pant legs and offer treats for $2 a pop.

The mom, who had been selling goodies on the downtown platform, did not say where she and her daughter were from or staying and declined to speak further.

Last week, a young girl in a purple jacket was spotted toting a box full of candy while traveling alone between subway cars aboard a C train, according to footage shared on X, formerly known as Twitter.

The child had been spotted repeatedly selling candy, usually between the 14th and 59th street stations during rush hour, and was believed to be 6 years old, according to the video’s poster.

Read more here.

Warrior10-08 Unaccompanied Migrant Kids Seen Selling Candy in NYC Subways: ‘Shameful, Disgusting, Blatant Child Abuse’