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10-07 Warrior Weekend Is Here! John Pizzuro, CEO of Raven Joins Lynn’s Warriors TNT Radio – Today’s News Talk at 3PM ET

Raven exists to transform our nation’s response to child exploitation.

As the first and only 501(c)4 group focused on child exploitation in the United States, we work with lawmakers, advocates, agencies, and organizations who are willing to challenge the status quo and fight to protect our most vulnerable citizens.

Raven will lobby for law and policy changes to better protect children and bring perpetrators to justice. The discrepancies in state laws often mean perpetrators are not held accountable, leaving them to continue to exploit children.

Raven finds more efficient ways to disseminate tips and criminal intelligence to investigators and analysts in the field. Vital information and data are currently unable to be efficiently shared with law enforcement.

Learn more here.

Warrior10-07 Warrior Weekend Is Here! John Pizzuro, CEO of Raven Joins Lynn’s Warriors TNT Radio – Today’s News Talk at 3PM ET