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12-15 U.S. Surgeon General Issues Mental Health Advisory for Youth

Sound the alarm. This report is barely being mentioned to the public. Do your homework. Be a Warrior and read how you can protect your children. Every child’s path to adulthood—reaching developmental and
emotional milestones, learning healthy social skills, and dealing with

problems—is different and difficult. Many face added challenges

along the way, often beyond their control. There’s no map, and the

road is never straight.

But the challenges today’s generation of young people face are

unprecedented and uniquely hard to navigate. And the effect these

challenges have had on their mental health is devastating.

Recent national surveys of young people have shown alarming

increases in the prevalence of certain mental health challenges—

in 2019, one in three high school students and half of female

reported persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, an
overall increase of 40% from 2009. We know that mental health is

shaped by many factors, from our genes and brain chemistry to our

relationships with family and friends, neighborhood conditions, and

larger social forces and policies. We also know that, too often, young

people are bombarded with messages through the media and popular

culture that erode their sense of self-worth—telling them they are

not good looking enough, popular enough, smart enough, or rich

enough. That comes as progress on legitimate, and distressing, issues

like climate change, income inequality, racial injustice…read more.


lynnswarriors12-15 U.S. Surgeon General Issues Mental Health Advisory for Youth