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10-02 URGENT: Amber Alert for 9-Year-Old Girl Missing from Moreau Lake State Park Charlotte Sena, 9, was Camping in the Park with Family when She Disappeared Saturday Evening. Police said it is “quite possible an abduction took place”

MOREAU — State Police, with assistance from the FBI, are looking for 9-year-old Charlotte Sena, who disappeared Saturday night while riding her bike in Moreau Lake State Park.

On Sunday morning State Police issued an Amber Alert for Charlotte, a fourth-grader at Corinth schools who lives in Greenfield, with the alert saying she was abducted at around 6:45 p.m. Saturday while on a camping trip with family.

The alert, which came almost 16 hours after she was reported missing, says at the bottom “the child was taken under circumstances that lead police to believe that they are in imminent danger of serious harm and/or death.”

Read more here. 


Warrior10-02 URGENT: Amber Alert for 9-Year-Old Girl Missing from Moreau Lake State Park Charlotte Sena, 9, was Camping in the Park with Family when She Disappeared Saturday Evening. Police said it is “quite possible an abduction took place”