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09-22 September is National Suicide Prevention Month. As Younger Children Increasingly Die by Suicide, Better Tracking and Prevention is Sought

Jason Lance thought Jan. 21, 2010, was a day like any other until the call came.

He had dropped off his 9-year-old son, Montana, at Stewart’s Creek Elementary School in The Colony, Texas, that morning.

“There were no problems at home. He was smart. He wore his heart on his sleeve and he talked and talked and talked,” said Lance. It was “the same old, same old normal day. There were kisses and goodbyes and he said, ‘I love you, Daddy.'”

A few hours later, school officials called to say Montana had died by suicide while locked in the nurse’s bathroom.

“I knew he had some issues going on in school, but I never seen it coming,” said Lance. His shock and grief were complicated by the realization that there may have been more signs his son was struggling.

Read more here. 

Warrior09-22 September is National Suicide Prevention Month. As Younger Children Increasingly Die by Suicide, Better Tracking and Prevention is Sought