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08-31 WARRIORS TAKE ACTION: IT Never Goes Away. What’s Next in the Traffickinghub Fight to Hold P*rnhub Accountable?

1. P*rnhub must be forced to start requiring reliable, third party, age and consent verification for every individual in every video. After being globally exposed as a crime scene they only started verifying uploaders who are often the abusers, but they don’t verify the individuals in the free and ad revenue generating videos that constitute ~80% of the site. They must be forced to reliably verify age and consent for every person in every video.

2. Then P*rnhub must remove all unverified free videos that have been uploaded to the site. They were forced to remove 10.6 million videos in Dec. 2020 but they did not fix the problem. They must once again purge all videos where the age and consent of every individual was not verified by a third party. In addition to removing the unverified free videos, all ModelHub paid videos uploaded prior to 2021 must be removed because that is when they finally adopted stricter verification policies for paid videos.

3. Even if they finally give in and comply with these demands (after intense public shaming, 8 landmark lawsuits and being cut off by the major credit card companies), we must still shut P*rnhub down because they have knowingly destroyed the lives of countless victims for over a decade. A slap on the wrist for P*rnhub is a slap in the face for victims around the world. We will not allow P*rnhub to go on business as usual, that is not what justice looks like—together we will shut it down.

4. After P*rnhub is shut down, its executives must be held criminally accountable to the full extent of the law for globally distributing and monetizing child rape, criminal sexual abuse and sex trafficking since 2007. This will achieve justice for victims as well as provide a strong deterrent to future abusers and copycats. 5. Finally we must implement global preventative government and corporate policies that require, upon risk of shut down and demonetization, reliable, third party age and consent verification for every individual in every video on every user generated p*rn site so this tragedy never happens again. #Traffickinghub

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Thank you.


Warrior08-31 WARRIORS TAKE ACTION: IT Never Goes Away. What’s Next in the Traffickinghub Fight to Hold P*rnhub Accountable?