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08-27 Today is ParentsTogether’s End Meta Sextortion Day of Action. Please Join Us. #BeAWarrior

ParentsTogether is leading a Day to End Meta Sextortion on August 27th to shine a spotlight on the serious and growing problem of sextortion on Meta platforms, Instagram and Facebook, and pressure Meta executives to take additional measures to prevent it.

What is sextortion?
Sextortion is a serious and sometimes deadly crime that has increased more than 150% in the past couple of years. The crime often follows a common pattern – a predator or organized group of criminals pose as a teen and convince a victim to share sexual images. The criminal then
blackmails the victim for money – often called financial sextortion – or more images – often called sexual or image-based sextortion. While any type of sextortion can happen to anyone, data indicates financial sextortion impacts more teen boys, and sexual sextortion impacts more tween and teen girls. Recent analysis of data from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) by Thorn found Instagram was #1 platform where sextortionists meet kids, as well as the top platform where these predators threaten to share and actually share the images of the kids they are blackmailing. Facebook too, has a long history of connecting c children with sextortionists.

Sextortion is a serious crime, and by not taking it seriously and continually failing to put real prevention in place, Meta is putting thousands of kids at risk of exploitation, abuse, and even death. The parents who have experienced this harm first hand have had enough.

Learn more and how to participate here.

lynnswarriors08-27 Today is ParentsTogether’s End Meta Sextortion Day of Action. Please Join Us. #BeAWarrior