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08-13 The Warriors Applaud Senators for Standing Up for Children and Calling on Major Tech Companies to Participate in NCMEC’s Take It Down Service.

Take It Down is a free service that helps remove online nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit photos and videos taken before the age of 18. If you need help, please visit: TAKE IT DOWN

The Warriors thank;

Shaheen, Scott Call on Big Tech CEOs to Adopt Programs Cracking Down on the Spread of Non-Consensual Intimate Imagery on Online Platforms.

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Chair of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies, and Rick Scott (R-FL) are sending letters to multiple Big Tech CEOs urging them to participate in two voluntary programs to locate and take down non-consensual intimate imagery (NII) on online platforms. The bipartisan group of Senators sent letters to the CEOs of X, Alphabet, Amazon, Match, Zoom, Pinterest, Discord, OpenAI, Twitch, Microsoft and Patreon requesting written confirmation that they intend to adopt the Take It Down and Stop NCII programs, which allow online users to remove explicit images of themselves from digital platforms. The increasing spread of NII remains a dangerous and concerning trend in a rapidly evolving digital world. Last year, the Revenge Porn Helpline reported an alarming 106 percent increase in total reports received compared to the previous year, 34 percent of which represented cases of sextortion.

In part, the Senators wrote: “With one post, NII shared online has the opportunity to ruin the life of an individual, often times young women and girls, and the presence of such on your platform cannot be taken lightly.

Read more here.

lynnswarriors08-13 The Warriors Applaud Senators for Standing Up for Children and Calling on Major Tech Companies to Participate in NCMEC’s Take It Down Service.