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07-31 Groundbreaking Study from Our Colleagues Nurses United Against Human Trafficking (NUAHT)

Please read – Nursing students’ knowledge of and exposure to human trafficking content in undergraduate curricula


Human trafficking is a public health crisis. Perpetrators of human trafficking gross billions of dollars annually from the sale of human cargo. Due to its pervasive and hidden nature, these crimes are happening at exponential rates, but go undetected. Lack of identification of these victims are seen across numerous disciplines such as law enforcement, social services, education, judicial services, and healthcare. One of these barriers in identification is lack of proper education. Within the healthcare disciplines, a majority of victims are seen by a healthcare professional during their trafficking, yet remain unidentified. With over 4 million nurses in the U.S., they are ideally situated to identify and treat these individuals, if properly educated.


Warrior07-31 Groundbreaking Study from Our Colleagues Nurses United Against Human Trafficking (NUAHT)