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06-28 Do You Live in California? Even if You Don’t You Need to Take Action Now to Protect Children from Sex Offenders.

We’ve come so far with this bill, but we need your voice to ensure it protects all children, no matter their age!

For the past few months, our team has been working with the office of California State Senator Shannon Grove, supporting her bill, SB 1414. This bill would make it a felony to buy a child for sex and it’s exactly the kind of legislation we’ve been advocating for through our films and campaigns for years.

After many of you signed the petition we sent out in support of this bill, it successfully passed out of the Senate Public Safety Committee, but not before a few legislators removed protection for 16 and 17 year-olds.

Despite that damaging amendment, it’s good that this bill is moving forward because there’s still time to fix it in the Assembly Public Safety Committee hearing on July 2.

If we want to end the sex trafficking of children in California, we must get protection restored for 16 and 17-year-olds.

If you live in California, today and tomorrow, please call the three democratic leaders below and tell them to restore SB 1414 to its original form. We must make it a felony to purchase a child of any age.

Governor Gavin Newsom: (916) 445-2841

Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas: (916) 319-2029

Senator Pro Tem Mike McGuire: (916) 651-4002

Here’s a sample script you can use:

“Hello, I’m _____, a resident of California, and I want to urge you to restore SB 1414 to its original form by reinstating protections for 16 and 17-year-olds. Buying a child of any age for sex should be a prison felony.”

If you live outside California, you can still help by commenting on or sharing our recent Instagram posts on SB 1414, which will help these messages to be seen.

Your voice is important! In a historic reversal, we saw a similar bill last year get restored in our state after the public spoke out.

Please take five minutes TODAY to help protect millions of children in California. 🙏

Watch this video.

Thank you.

lynnswarriors06-28 Do You Live in California? Even if You Don’t You Need to Take Action Now to Protect Children from Sex Offenders.