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12-09 Artificial Intelligence ‘Nudify’ Apps That Use AI to ‘Undress’ Women in Photos Are Soaring in Popularity

WARNING! Apps and websites that use artificial intelligence to undress women in photos are soaring in popularity, according to researchers. In September alone, 24 million people visited undressing websites, according to the social network analysis company Graphika.

Many of these undressing, or “nudify,” services use popular social networks for marketing, according to Graphika. For instance, since the beginning of this year, the number of links advertising undressing apps increased more than 2,400% on social media, including on X and Reddit, the researchers said. The services use AI to recreate an image so that the person is nude. Many of the services only work on women. And what about kids? What will happen. We don’t quite know except that it will be disaster.

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lynnswarriors12-09 Artificial Intelligence ‘Nudify’ Apps That Use AI to ‘Undress’ Women in Photos Are Soaring in Popularity