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08-28 Wake Up America! Violent Venezuela Gang, Tren de Aragua Allowed to Infiltrate Our Country & Pay American Kids to Carry Out Crimes in their Communities

We warned you. Speak up and out and contact your representatives now. This violent gang traffics drugs and weapons and counts sex trafficking as main businesses. They have no regards for girls and women.

Denver’s decision to welcome migrants with open arms is bringing bloodshed to the suburbs next door. A notorious Venezuelan prison gang has set up shop in Aurora, Colorado — even though the town wanted no part of the influx of asylum seekers in the first place.

Aurora — a quiet bedroom community with a population of 390,000 directly east of the Mile-High City — has become a base of operations for the brutal Tren de Aragua gang, which has seized multiple apartment complexes and set off a wave of violent crime.

Denver leads the nation in new migrant arrivals per capita, with more than 40,000 arriving from the southern border since December 2022.

Read more here. 

lynnswarriors08-28 Wake Up America! Violent Venezuela Gang, Tren de Aragua Allowed to Infiltrate Our Country & Pay American Kids to Carry Out Crimes in their Communities