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08-22 Teachers and Parents are Told to be on Lookout for Chinese Vapes that are Disguised as HIGHLIGHTER Pens and Contain as Much Nicotine as 50 Cigarettes

Teachers and parents are being warned to look out for new ‘High Light’ Chinese vapes that are designed to look like highlighter pens.

The vapes are packaged in bright neon colors that resemble typical pencil case items and come in 20 kid-friendly flavors like blueberry ice, mango and strawberry banana. But they contain nicotine, which is breathed in through the lungs when the vapes are used, which can cause damage to children’s lungs and brains, as well as cause nicotine addiction, lung damage, gum disease and oral cancers.

The highlighter vapes contain 50 milligrams of nicotine, meaning one cartridge is equivalent to the nicotine in 50 cigarettes. It is twice as much as is legal in most EU countries.

Teachers are fighting back against the school vape epidemic as the new term begins in September.

Previous research has shown that the average teen vaper in America starts aged 13, which has gotten lower since 2014. need a number of vapers. 2.5million high schoolers or middle schoolers

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Warrior08-22 Teachers and Parents are Told to be on Lookout for Chinese Vapes that are Disguised as HIGHLIGHTER Pens and Contain as Much Nicotine as 50 Cigarettes