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08-12 Parents Beware: Teachers Union Promotes Hiding Students’ Gender Preferences from Parents

A national teachers union is promoting a “pronoun card” tool for students to indicate whether they want their school to hide their gender identity from their parents.

On the pronoun card, known as a “Student Introduction Card,” is a question asking students whether they wish for school staff to hide their potentially new gender identity from their parents.

The idea was the brainchild of Stephanie Salem, a high school English teacher in suburban Chicago and member of the North Suburban Teachers Union – an affiliate of the second largest teachers union in the nation, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).

Salem’s pronoun placard idea was shared in a blog post titled “Why Are Pronouns Important at School?” on the AFT’s Share My Lesson website, a place for teachers to share their lesson plans for other instructors around the country.

Read more here.

lynnswarriors08-12 Parents Beware: Teachers Union Promotes Hiding Students’ Gender Preferences from Parents