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02-28 How Bad Therapy Hijacked Our Nation’s Schools – Thoughts, Warriors?

American kids are the freest, most privileged kids in all of history. They are also the saddest, most anxious, depressed, and medicated generation on record. Nearly a third of teen girls say they have seriously considered suicide. For boys, that number is an also alarming 14 percent.

What’s even stranger is that all of these worsening mental health outcomes for kids have coincided with a generation of parents hyper-fixated on the mental health and well-being of their children.

What’s going on?

That mystery is the subject of Abigail Shrier’s fascinating, urgent new book: Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up.

Read more here.

lynnswarriors02-28 How Bad Therapy Hijacked Our Nation’s Schools – Thoughts, Warriors?