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01-14 Calling ALL WARRIOR STUDENTS! Excellent FREE Guide to Engage, Educate & Empower from Lifeway Network

Human Trafficking Activity Guide: Student Clubs

How can I use this guide? Human Trafficking is combatted through education and the spread of factual information in all communities, and crucially, within student circles who can learn about and advocate for human trafficking
prevention. LifeWay Network has created this guide to serve as a way for you to take action in your institution!

Who can use this kit:

Clubs focused on issues such as human trafficking, gender equality, social justice, student governments; Fair Trade
and beyond can use this as a guide for taking action. What is the mission of LifeWay Network? LifeWay Network envisions a world in which human trafficking is abolished and every survivor is strongconnected and free. LifeWay Network joins the global movement against human trafficking by providing safe housing for women who have been trafficked and offering education about trafficking to the general public, including students. 

Learn more.

lynnswarriors01-14 Calling ALL WARRIOR STUDENTS! Excellent FREE Guide to Engage, Educate & Empower from Lifeway Network